Category Archives: Food

AJ XI BRed Cake – By my homie @dazzdru (look @foodwithsole !)

So my boy Dru is getting laid off next week, and well, he makes some pretty serious sneaker cakes.  A lot of cakes you see have a pretty messed up shape, but his are pretty true to scale.  This time he opted to make the BRed variant of the AJ XI.  He’s already had practice with this shape, as he’s done it in a Space Jam edition, and he also went as far, as to make a Concord box cake as well.  Check out the past designs below, and let me know what you think, and hit him up on twitter @dazzdru.  He’ll need the money!

TabTuesday: Cars, Fixies, and Food Trucks! Thanks @Store13 !

Last night, West Covina’s own Store13 hosted a special Tab Tuesday event for this year’s Thanksgiving holiday.  It was an idea put into place by owner Tepi Benjamins a few months back, with hopes of just having a few food trucks, and the regular fixie riders, as well as a few local car guys who’ve participated in past Tab Tuesday events.  Tepi has a lot of connections, and as the date of the event rapidly approached, others were willing to show up and help out.  Ford brought down their new Focus collaboration project, with fixed gear bicycle brand Leader Bikes, which was nice.  A slew of food trucks also came out to feed the crowds, such as the Calbi truck, California Grill Truck, as well as about 5 others.  Even local radio station KROQ came out to enjoy the madness!  Well, as word spread, I guess people were itching to get out, because there ended up being 300+ in attendance (by my estimations), which had to have grown further into the night, because as we left, the parking lot behind the movie theatre parking structure was damn near full.  Full of every type of SoCal import automotive enthusiast that you can think of:  Full on JDM, VIP style, Drag Racer, Hard Parker :), and even a legit RHD R34 Skyline GT-R, which is nothing new, but it raised a lot of attention, due to the fact that they are all supposed to be illegal in the USA, after some legality issues were investigated by the Feds!  And it was one of the cleanest R34’s I’ve seen in a long time, and all original.  There was also the younger brother model in attendance as well, the next gen GT-R, which was also nice to see.  I’ve taken a lot of pics, and you can check the rest of them out HERE, but here’s a few to start you out with.  Enjoy!

more pics after the jump Continue reading

Cake Jams!

My longtime brotha’ Dru sent me some pics of a cake, his girl, another friend of ours from high school, Gina, made that HE made from scratch!!! …for the old homie Sean’s birthday (whew!).  This is by far, the best Air Jordan cake I have ever seen, and better yet, it’s the Space Jam XI!  Most sneaker cakes out there look unproportional, and flat, but this one is damn near perfect!  I hear she takes custom orders too!  Hit me up, and I’ll pass the word along!  They said it tasted real good, too.  I wouldn’t want to eat it, I’d just want to put it on a shelf and look at it every day!  Reblog this masterpiece to all of your own blogs please!  Also check out the construction pics after the jump.

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The Record Wall @ Mono+Mono in NY

The old homie, Patrick, aka DJ Bhuddabong, sent me a link to this dope restaurant called Mono+Mono in NY, that has an amazing record wall, with more than 100,000 records in their library.  From what he told me, they only play jazz up in there, and serve up Korean fried chicken!  A match made in heaven.  Thanks man!

Great Christmas gift! “

Great Christmas gift! ", originally uploaded by DJ Guamstyles.

Red Electra wine. Look for it at BevMo, but just not the Glendora one…that’s our store, and we’ll be mad if they’re sold out again! We are getting smarter though, and starting to purchase by the case. This desert wine doesn’t disappoint, and is great for wine newbies.