Category Archives: Photography

Please help my brotha @eyeronic find his Tundra! Stolen from Covina early this AM (near Barranca & Badillo area). You know the deal. Look for unique parts being sold too. Rear black cage, and those black wheels. Look for a lifted white Tacoma with a black gas cap. Damn . #stolen #covina #westcovina #sgv #626 #909 #714 #pomona #sandimas #glendora #azusa #baldwinpark #lapuente #walnut

Please help my brotha @eyeronic find his Tundra!  Stolen from Covina early this AM (near Barranca & Badillo area). You know the deal.  Look for unique parts being sold too.  Rear black cage, and those black wheels.  Look for a lifted white Tacoma with a black gas cap.  Damn . #stolen #covina #westcovina #sgv #626 #909 #714 #pomona #sandimas #glendora #azusa #baldwinpark #lapuente #walnut

I want to wish my sweetie @tintin7117 a very happy birthday. Thank you for all you do for me, and for being the constant ray of sunshine that you are, to me and everyone else around you. (Also thanks for camping out for these damn Blends Vans lol!). I love you so much, for so many reasons . #happybirthday #notyourbirthdaymonth #justoneday #comehangwithustonight #askheraboutthecarphoto #tintinalwaysusessillyhashtags #toomanyhashtags

I want to wish my sweetie @tintin7117 a very happy birthday.  Thank you for all you do for me, and for being the constant ray of sunshine that you are, to me and everyone else around you. (Also thanks for camping out for these damn Blends Vans lol!). I love you so much, for so many reasons . #happybirthday #notyourbirthdaymonth #justoneday #comehangwithustonight #askheraboutthecarphoto #tintinalwaysusessillyhashtags #toomanyhashtags