Category Archives: Toys

The Hundreds x Nerf – Turbo Football !!!

Man, I went through a few of these when I was a kid.  This was the football of choice in my 4th and 5th grade, and we also spent numerous weekends playing 2 on 2 football in the street with my cousins, with my dad or uncle as the all-time QB for us.  Remember when Nerf came out with the whistling version?  That shit fucked up your hands, when trying to go long…”waaay long!”  When my sister told me that The Hundreds were collaborating with Nerf, the first thing to come to my mind was the Turbo football, and what did I find to my surprise?  A Nerf Turbo football!  I swear, even though their clothes stopped speaking to me about a year or so ago, their mentality hasn’t, and almost every collab they have done, I had fond memories of as a kid.  I need this thing, and thankfully the THSM one is the dopest color!  I’ll be putting in some extra work to get this damn thing.  Check out the old school Nerf style commercials that were made to coincide with the upcoming release.  Bonnie Hundreds is always looking good, hehe.

one more commercial after the jump Continue reading

Mickey Shakas For Sale!

I’m selling these customized Mickey “Shaka” glove keychains. They’re authentic Disney licensed merchandise, that I’ve purchased and modified from Disneyland. No fakes here! They’re portraying the “Hang Loose” sign that is popular in Hawaiian culture. This idea came about because of the Disney x CLOT “Man In the Forest” collaboration store overseas, where they sold Mickey Shaka gloves at the grand opening of the store. They are damn near impossible to get, so why not get the next best thing, a keychain version! These measure approx. 4″ across, and I’ve taken a pic of a few on top of an iPad for reference.

I’m selling these for $15 each, for local pickup, or $20 shipped via USPS Priority Mail + 4.5% Paypal fees.  My paypal and contact email is

Current Inventory available for purchase: 4

Here’s a pic I took of these on an iPad, for size reference:

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Hieroglyphics x Gold Coin “Hieroman” Vinyl Toy

Saw this over on Hypebeast, and I just had to spread the word.  I’m sure most of you read Hypebeast anyways, but whatevers!

“The Hieroman Collection is a collaborative project between the legendary Hieroglyphics crew and clothing label Gold Coin. With both brands being Bay Area natives it was only a matter of time before their paths would cross. Each company came to the table with their own styles and backgrounds. After sitting down the joined creative force grew beyond what either brand had expected. The natural progression was to not only release a single collaborative product but a capsule collection. The outcome is a jointly branded micro product line, anchored by the iconic Hieroglyphics logo immortalized into the “Hieroman” vinyl. Two colorways are now available, exclusively through the brand’s online store.  The black version is only for sale with the New Era, so expect to drop some serious ends!  Perfect for that Heiro fan, for Christmas!

Photography: Hypebeast”

more pics after the jump Continue reading