Hello everyone. It’s been a week since my last update, and if you thought last week was good news, then you’re going to think that this week is GREAT news! This girl is making great strides in her progress, and every day there’s something new that we see from her.
Over the past week, we’ve seen her speech improve, and she is forming longer, more complete sentences, and most importantly they’re making sense and are mostly in response to our questions or conversations in front of her. I’m not gonna’ lie, you should’ve heard her random comments about being in outerspace, and talking to mother earth. Very trippy, but we understand this is still just the brain trying to “exercise the demons” -Ace Ventura, hehe. She’s also had a few minor seizures. Nothing to be worried about they say, but she’s been given some medicine to help with that. Other than that, she’s been all about the gains! We carried on a 5 minute conversation with the sitter the other night about her side hustle as a bartender. She was telling us how she went to school for it, so it’s good that all these memories are starting to connect again. Another funny story, was that I was holding a yellow manila envelope with some documents about her Anti-NMDA Receptor Encephalitis, and I think it triggered some memories about work, and she said “I’ll take that and give it to Yvette”! She associated the folder with probably the same types she hands back and forth all day at work, and of course her co-worker Yvette who she sees every day. Yay, more memory recollection!
Yesterday, the occupational therapist had her sit on the edge of the bed for awhile, which must feel good, although tough to do, especially when you’ve pretty much been bed ridden for over a week. They’ve also been trying to get her to practice walking again, and she’s getting the hang of that. I posted a video for you all to see. Still a long way to go, but this is progress to us! She also has more deliberate motor skills, with less shakiness than before, and is a pro at eating French fries and dipping them in sauces, and also throwing them across the room. Yeah, I’m not sure what that’s all about, but I tell her to knock it off, lol. She’s all of a sudden found this attitude, and it started with throwing her stuffed animals out the room, and then she took her Naked Juice Green Machine and dumped it over her shoulder, making a mess on the bed sheet! This girl!
She hasn’t been sleeping very long these past few days, but since today she has finally started sleeping A LOT. She looks relaxed and not fidgety like she normally does, so hopefully this is natural sleep. She isn’t catatonic, so don’t worry. She responds to the nurses and squeezes their hands and stuff still. I believe she has one or two more plasmapheresis treatments left, and then the doctors will decide what the next phase will be. It’s hard to be patient sometimes, but what other choice do we have, right? She’s got some amazing sitters that really have been key in helping her with her daily living, and keeping her company, and the nurses have all been really great to her as well, so that makes it easier for us and for her.
Tintin is now in Room W683, and she is allowed visitors, and small flowers, and all that good stuff, so if you wanted to visit or just let her know you love and miss her, then feel free to! Huntington Memorial’s address is 100 W. California Blvd. Pasadena, CA 91105, and heads up, parking is not free, but the max day rate is $6. Valet is $7 for you fancy folks. I usually park underground right in front of the main entrance off of California Blvd across the street from Vons.
Well, that’s about it for now. She’s doing great. She’s silly (she wanted to put her stuffed toy dog on her head). She’s got her spunky attitude, and she’s speaking her mind (of course with no filter) lol. Who can blame her, right? Thanks for all the well wishes, support, and for caring enough to stay on this crazy journey with us. Love you all! – Billy