Day 29 of #31daysofvans. Marvel Comics X-Men Era. Takes me back to Edgewood Middle School, when the homies and I would obsess over comics and basketball cards. Moms would take me up to Comics Etc. on Azusa, and on that rare occasion we’d get to go to @frankandsonshow. Jim Lee’s X-Men are still the best. Don’t @ me! #marvel #xmen #marvelvans #underthepalms #strictlywaffles #vansfans

Day 21 of #31daysofvans. Vans Vault OG Old Skool LX “Black/White”. 2020 edition, updated to a true reproduction of the pairs made in the 80’s, here in the USA, with features like higher side walls, heavier canvas, and pointier toe shape. Shit, only us Vans snobs care about 😂. #vanssnobs #vansvault #vaultbyvans #underthepalms #strictlywaffles #vansfans